Selection 1- Fish Pond
Selection 1
- Zone 1 – Lemna (Duckweed) is a great food source for many fish.
- Zone 2 – Acorus gramineus ‘Ogon’ (Golden Japanese Sweet Flag).
- Zone 3 – Bacopa monniera (Water Hyssop) provides trailing foliage for fish to hide in and is great for fish spawning. Oxygenating plant.
- Zone 4 – Cycnogeton procerum (syn. Triglochin) (Water ribbons) water filtering and oxygenating plant.
- Zone 5 – Nymphaea hybrids (Water lilies) provide shade and a food source, as algae often grows along the leaf stems and is eaten by many fish. Vallisneria Americana (ribbon grass) grows into lawns of water filtering foliage