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Nymphoides spinulosperma

A trailing Australian native waterplant.  It is a great performer in cooler climates & is one of the largest flowering varieties.  Bright yellow snowflake-like flowers to 5cm across contrast the attractive bronze marbled leaves (8-10cm) featuring a small pink spot in the centre.  This plant is ideal for small ponds & container watergarden features. ADD […]

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Alocasia macrorrhiza

Large elephant ear-like leaves which grows up to 2m in height.   Prefers semi shade and is frost tender. If hit by frost, remove leaves & it will recover. Excellent specimen in the garden around shady ponds. The leaves help give a lush tropical feel to the garden.  May also be treated as a fernery or

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Nelumbo nucifera

There are many natural hybrids of Lotus grown around the world. Flower colour varies from white, pink, red, yellow with some bicoloured and others multi-petalled. Flowers may be quite small or up to a basketball in size. Leaves are like velvety circles held above the water. Most plants are heavy feeders. ADD TO WISHLIST

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iris ensata hoyden

Iris ensata Hoyden

This Iris has white petals with purple/blue styles.  It requires a wet or damp position & will grow up to 1m tall. It has very large flat, ruffled blooms up to 15cm across which can be used as a cut flower. Grow in part shade to full sun. Frost tolerant as it dies down. ADD TO WISHLIST

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Iris Ensata Hekito

Iris ensata Hekito

This Iris has deep blue/purple petals.  It requires a wet or damp position & will grow up to 1m tall. It has very large flat, ruffled blooms up to 15cm across which can be used as a cut flower. Grow in part shade to full sun. Frost tolerant as it dies down. ADD TO WISHLIST

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