+61 3 9737 9663
Evergreen Light Frosts
Acorus gramineus
Acorus gramineus
Common Name
Japanese Sweet Flag
An excellent clumping pond edge or border plant. Producing stiff grass-like dark green leaves to 30cm tall. Can also be grown in shallow water to 5cm deep (Zone 3).
Frost tolerant and will grow in part shade to full sun.
Acorus gramineus Ogon
Acorus gramineus Ogon
Common Name
Golden Japanese Sweet Flag
An excellent clumping pond edge or border plant. Producing stiff grass-like light green leaves with golden-yellow stripes. It grows upto 30cm tall & is an attractive plant for brightening up shadier pond edges. Can also be grown in water to 5cm deep (Zone 3).
This plant likes part shade to full sun & is also frost tolerant.
Alocasia macrorrhiza
Alocasia macrorrhiza
Common Name
Elephant Ears
Large elephant ear-like leaves which grows up to 2m in height. Prefers semi shade and is frost tender. If hit by frost, remove leaves & it will recover. Excellent specimen in the garden around shady ponds. The leaves help give a lush tropical feel to the garden. May also be treated as a fernery or indoor plant.
Cyperus alternifolius
Cyperus alternifolius
Common Name
Umbrella Grass
Umbrella Grass has graceful dark green, umbrella-like heads. It will grow 1-1.5m in height & likes full sun or a moderately shaded position. It is also tolerant of light frost.
Bacopa caroliniana
Bacopa caroliniana
Common Name
Lemon Bacopa or Water Hyssop
A great water plant for smaller ponds, container water gardens or patios.
Small dainty blue flowers (1 to 1.5cm) in Summer through Autumn.
Can be grown fully submerged. Can grow in deeper water (50-100cm) in tropical climates.
Saururus cernuus
Saururus cernuus
Common Name
Lizards Tail
An interesting water or bog plant, with aromatic foliage. Lizards Tail has fragrant white cats tail flowers which are borne in Summer. Plant in full sun or part-shade. Grows to 50cm in height. Plant to a depth of 15cm in pond.